Any free spins won will come with no wagering requirements."},4:{id:"accordion-item-4",title:"What if I joined but forgot to play?",content:"Don’t worry, nothing will happen. You’ll still be visible to other players on the leaderboard, but you will remain on zero points."},5:{id:"accordion-item-5",title:"What if I do not complete all my spins in a tournament?",content:"You can use as many or as few of your spins as you like during a tournament. For example, if you have 100 maximum spins allowed, you can spin between 1-100 times to collect points."},6:{id:"accordion-item-6",title:"CD-106 Error message",content:"The error message CD-106 is due to the geo-location setting of your device. Please turn on your phone's location service and click ‘Allow’ on the pop-up prompt upon game re-launch."},7:{id:"terms-and-conditions",title:"What are the Terms and Conditions?",content:'How it works Step 1: Click on ‘Opt In to this Tournament.’ Step 2: Open tournament game. Step 3: Everyone starts with the same amount of spins. Step 4: Play your spins.
Things you should know
You need to opt in to be entered into the free to play tournament.
Tournaments will run daily please see individual tournaments for length of time (the promotion period).
The tournaments are only available on selected games as shown on the tournament you opt in to (the promotion games).
You will need to register a nickname to be displayed on the tournament leaderboards. You cannot change the nickname you choose.
Everyone will start with the same amount of spins.
The aim is to get the highest score from Free Spins to win a prize.
Earn points for every winning spin.
The balance in the game are play funds only and will not affect your actual funds in your balance.
Free spin prizes are shown on the prize table for each tournament, free spins will be at 20p per spin.
You can check your position on the leaderboard, in the game while you are playing, or by clicking on the ‘Leaderboards’ tab.
The leaderboard is shown onsite and is updated every 60 seconds.
Once the Tournament has finished click on the “Completed Tournaments” tab to see if you have won a prize.
If you have won a prize click on “Claim Your Free Spins” and your free spins will be added to your account.
Unused free spins will be deleted 24 hours after they are added to your account (the free-spin period).
Eligibility rules, location restrictions and terms and conditions apply.
Location restrictions:
This promotion is only available in the UK.
This promotion is only available to players with an online account held in pound sterling.
By clicking on ‘Opt In to this Tournament’ you agree to the full terms and conditions below.
How the promotion works
To take part in the tournament you need to click on the ‘Opt In to this Tournament’ button and play all the initial Free Spins (shown under ‘Things you should know’), during the promotion period, for your chance to win a prize. Each tournament applies to the promotion game as stated in the individual tournament.
The tournament will be based on players trying to achieve the highest score, this will be based on winning spins and will be given a score multiplier depending on how many spins you have used.
Earn points for every winning spin, how points are won are explained for each individual tournament on the Slots Tournament page.
Once the tournament has finished, click on the ‘Completed Tournaments’ tab to see if you have won a prize.
If there is a tie, the player who opted in first will be awarded the higher position.
If you and we disagree on any prize awarded, we will have the final say.
If you win free spins
If you win a prize, click on ‘Claim Your Free Spins’ under the ‘Completed Tournaments’ tab.
Your free spins can only be used on the promotion games shown under ‘Things you should know’.
You must use your free spins within the free-spin period shown under ‘Things you should know’. If you do not use the free spins within the free-spin period, any amount in your bonus balance relating to the free spins will automatically be deleted.
Winnings from the free spins will automatically be added to your main balance once all free spins have been used. You can withdraw them as cash or use them to play games that are not promotion games.
You can only have one set of free spins from this promotion in your account at any time. So if you have received free spins on one day, you will not be able to opt in and receive more free spins until the previous free spins have been used or deleted.
Cancelling this promotion
You can cancel this promotion at any time by:
contacting our Customer Services team using the contact details on the Contact Us page on our website.
When you cancel this promotion and you have used all of the free spins, all winnings from them will stay in your main balance. Any free spins you have not used, and any winnings from free spins you have used, will be deleted from your bonus balance.
General restrictions
We expect you to be fair when you take part in promotions. We consider certain types of play to be unfair and to break these terms and conditions. These unfair types of play include the following.
Using ‘minimal risk wagering patterns’ (that is, a set pattern of bets or stakes that unfairly minimises risks).
Using more than one account in order to get more than the number of bonuses allowed for each customer.
Sharing personalised promotions (that is, promotions only available to specific customers we offer them to) with others. This includes taking part in any personalised promotion forwarded to you by someone else when it was not intended for you.
Taking part in a promotion that is not available in the country you live in.
Colluding with other customers (that is, plotting with others to gain an unfair advantage).
Using more than one account per person, per household or per IP address.
If you take part in any play that we consider to be unfair, we may cancel any bonuses or promotions applied to your account, reclaim any bonus you have received as part of any promotion we have cancelled, and either:
void any bets funded by a bonus (that is, treat them as if they had never been placed); or
remove any winnings relating to any bonus.
General conditions
Regardless of anything else set out in these terms and conditions, you can withdraw funds from your main balance at any time, except where we must withhold the funds to meet our legal or regulatory obligations.
You cannot take part in this promotion if we have previously banned you from taking part in promotions, or from betting or playing any games on our website.
We can withhold or refuse to pay any winnings from a bonus if funds you paid into your main balance (including any amounts you have already used) are cancelled or denied by any payment service (for example, your card provider).
We can change or cancel this promotion, or change these terms and conditions:
without giving you notice, if the change or cancellation is needed because of any change in law or regulation; or
by giving you notice beforehand, if the change or cancellation is for any other valid reason (for example, if there is a fault in the software or systems we use to provide this promotion, or we identify a mistake in these terms and conditions).
We can also award an equivalent bonus to the one referred to in this promotion.
Your use of our website, and any gaming or betting, is governed by our terms and conditions of using our website or telebetting service (the general terms). You must read the general terms and these terms and conditions before you take part in this promotion. If any of these terms and conditions conflict with the general terms, these terms and conditions will apply.
These terms and conditions are governed by, and interpreted in line with, the laws of England and Wales. Any legal action in connection with these terms and conditions will be dealt with in the courts of England and Wales.
Visual FAQ on RTP and fairness RTP (return to player) and fairness'}}},howTo:{howToPlay:"How to play Slots Tournaments",top:"Spin your way to the top of the leaderboard and win a prize in our new action packed Slots Tournaments.",spin:"Spin",spinText:"Opt in to a tournament and start playing your spins, the balance will be play money",win:"Win",winText:"Collect points on your spins before the time runs out",progress:"Progress",progressText:"Check your progress on the leaderboard, the higher up you are the bigger the prize reward",termsAndConditions:"Tournament Terms and Conditions",seeFaq:"See Tournament FAQs",seeTAndC:"Tournament Terms and Conditions"},tournamentTypes:{freeToPlay:"Free To Play Tournament",cashTournaments:"Buy In Tournaments"},tournamentHeader:{dailyFreeRollTournaments:"Free To Play Tournament",cashTournaments:"Buy In Tournaments",completedTournaments:"Your Completed Tournaments",activeTournaments:"Your Active Tournaments",tournamentCount:"{{count}} Tournaments",freeToPlay:"Free To Play",buyIn:"{{value}} Buy in",spins:"{{spins}} Spins",topPrize:"Top Prize",freeSpins:"Free Spins",timeRemaining:"Starts: {{time}}",tournamentHasEnded:"Just Ended",tournamentInProgress:"In Progress",tournamentEndTimeText:"Ended {{time}}",tournamentWon:"You Won!",tournamentLost:"You did not win"},tournamentItem:{links:{howTo:"How To Play",termsAndConditions:"View Terms and Conditions"},seeMore:"See More Tournaments"},tournamentTable:{tournamentEnds:"Tournament Ends: {{remainingTime}}",registrationEnds:"Registration Ends: {{remainingTime}}",tournamentDuration:"Tournament Duration: {{tournamentDurationInWords}}",prizes:{tableTitle:"Prizes",positions:{first:{singular:"1st Prize",plural:"1st Prize ({{count}} Players)"},second:{singular:"2nd Prize",plural:"2nd Prize ({{count}} Players)"},third:{singular:"3rd Prize",plural:"3rd Prize ({{count}} Players)"},others:{singular:"{{index}}th Prize",plural:"{{index}}th Prize ({{count}} Players)"}},prizeValue:{cash:"{{value}}",freeSpins:"{{value}} Free Spins",percentage:"{{value}}%"}},leaderboard:{tableTitle:"Leaderboard",user:"{{displayName}} (You)"}},messages:{optIn:{success:{title:"Congratulations!",content:"You have successfully opted into the tournament."},error:{content:"Sorry, the tournament is currently unavailable, please re-try again later."}},optOut:{success:{content:"Your entry to this tournament has been cancelled."},error:{content:"Sorry, the tournament is currently unavailable, please re-try again later."}},regNotStarted:"Registration will be available from: {{registrationTime}} Why not try the game for real before?",regFinished:"Sorry, the late registration time has elapsed.",playReal:"Tournament will start in: {{timeDifferenceToNowInWords}} Why not try the game for real before?",progress:"The tournament is still in progress, but you can check your current position in the Leaderboard tab.",genericError:"Sorry, the tournament is currently unavailable, please re-try again later.",results:"The tournament has now finished, your result will be available shortly in the Completed Tournaments tab!",notReady:"Sorry, the tournament is not ready for registration yet.",outOfTime:"You ran out of time to play this tournament.",full:"Sorry, the maximum number of players for this tournaments is reached.",stillHaveSpins:"You still have spins remaining in this tournament.",tournamentHasNowEnded:"The tournament has now ended.",spinsCompleted:"You have completed all your spins but the tournament is still in progress.",leaderboardPlayForReal:"Alternatively, why not try the game for real?",todaysTournamentPlayForReal:"Why not try the game for real before?",checkResult:"Please come back later to check your final result in the Completed Tournament tab."},cta:{login:"Login",optIn:"Opt In to this Tournament",play:"Play Tournament",playReal:"Play For Real",cancel:"Cancel",progress:"Check Progress",results:"Check Results",claimFreeSpins:"Claim Your Free Spins",resume:"Resume This Tournament"},tournamentMessage:{welcome:"Welcome to Slots Tournaments",willStartShortly:"Tournament will start shortly!",tournamentsUnavailable:{title:"Tournaments Unavailable",description:"Sorry, there are no tournaments currently available, please check back later in the day."},completedTournamentsUnavailable:{title:"No Completed Tournaments",description:"You have no completed tournaments in the last {{count}} days. Why not try and play one from the Today's Tournaments tab."},activeTournamentsUnavailable:{title:"No Active Tournaments",description:"Sorry, you have no active tournaments, why not try and enter one from the Today's Tournaments tab."},unsupportedCurrency:{title:"Unsupported Currency",description:"Sorry, Slots Tournaments is not yet available for your selected currency."},unauthorized:{title:"Please Login",description:"Unfortunately we can’t provide you with the full experience untill you login to your account."},comingSoon:{title:"Coming Soon",description:"Sorry, Leaderboards are not yet ready, you will soon be able to see your progress for active tournaments in this tab."},loading:{title:"Checking for Tournaments"}},tournamentPrize:{prizeAwarded:"Prize Awarded",freeSpinsPrizeText:"{{freeSpinsCount}} free spins on {{gameTitle}}",amountInAccountText:"The funds will be in your account within the next hour.",freeSpinsInAccountText:"Free Spins will expire in 24 hours. No Wagering.",freeSpinsInExpiredText:"Your Free Spins have now expired.\n",didNotWin:"You did not win",didNotWinFullText:"Unfortunately you did not win a prize. Better luck next time."},kqc:{freeTournaments:"Opt in required. Selected games only. Prizes will be advised per tournament. Free spins expire in 24 hours. 1 prize per customer. Eligibility rules, terms and conditions apply.",cashTournaments:"Opt in required. Selected games only. Prizes will be advised per tournament. Free spins expire in 24 hours. 1 prize per customer. Eligibility rules, terms and conditions apply."},leaderboard:{position:"You are currently position {{position}}",freePrize:"If you stay in this position you are set to win {{prize}} Free Spins!",cashPrize:"If you stay in this position you are set to win {{prize}}!"}}},{deposit:{prompt:{deposit:"Deposit",notNow:"Not now",lowFunds:"Low Funds",messagePrefix:"You only have",messageSuffix:"to play with, would you like to make a deposit?"},quickDeposit:{continueButton:"Continue",depositConfirm:"Deposit",header:"Deposit",headerSuccess:"Deposit successful",moreDepositOptions:"More Deposit Options"}},games:{playButton:{label:"Play"},playNowButton:{label:"Play now"}},footer:{backToTop:"Back to top"}}),s=n(2710);o.default=a()({},i,{swMisc:{title:"Claim Bonus",buyIn:"Buy In With:",getBonus:"Get a Bonus of",ends:"Ends",endsIn:"Ends in",information:"Information",notAvailable:"This offer is not available. For more information please contact our Customer Support Team."},swRibbonStatus:{WAGERING:"Active",OPT_IN:"Opt In",OPTED_IN:"Opted In",BUY_IN:"Get Bonus",CLAIM:"Get Bonus",IN_PROGRESS:"In Progress"},swErrors:{general:"Something went wrong, please try again",maxAmount:{header:"Maximum Amount",text:"The maximum buy in amount is"},minAmount:{header:"Minimum Amount",text:"The minimum buy in amount is"},required:{text:"Please enter a valid amount"},insufficientFunds:{text:"You have insufficient funds in your account",deposit:'Please Deposit more funds to buy in',deposit_EE:'Please Deposit more funds to buy in',cta:{label:"Deposit Now",url:"#!/action/deposit",url_EE:"top.window.location.origin + top.window.location.pathname + '?aff_deposit'"}},optOut:{text:"Cancellation of the bonus has failed. Please contact customer services or try again",buttonURL:"#",buttonURL_EE:""},missedBonusMessage:{topParagraph:"We are sorry but all the bonuses have been claimed.",secondParagraph:"Please try again next time"}},swSuccess:{buyIn:{header:"Success!",text:"Success you have buy in for the bonus"},goldenChips:{header:"Success!",text:"Success you have goldenChips for the bonus"},claim:{header:"Success!",text:"You have successfully claimed the bonus"},optIn:{header:"Success!",text:"Success you have opted for the bonus"},optOut:{text:"The bonus has been cancelled successfully",buttonURL:"#",buttonURL_EE:""}},swAfterWagering:{progress:{topParagraph:"Your bonus is ready waiting for you",secondParagraph:"You only need to wager {{remainingToWager}} more to activate it"},cancelPopup:{topParagraph:"You are about to cancel the bonus",middleParagraph:"You only need to wager {{remainingToWager}} more to redeem the bonus.",bottomParagraph:"Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?"}},swButtons:{no:"No",yes:"Yes",ok:"OK"},swCashInBonus:{description:"Your buy-in balance can be withdrawn by cashing in your bonus.",cta:{label:"Cash In"}},swBuyIn:{title:"Claim Bonus",buyInWith:"Buy In With:",getBonus:"Get a Bonus of",ends:"Ends",endsIn:"Ends in",today:"Today",days_singular:"{{count}} day",days_plural:"{{count}} days",loadingText:"Please wait while your request is being processed",success:{header:"Success!",text:"You have successfully bought into the bonus"},errors:{general:"Something went wrong, please try again",maxAmount:{header:"Maximum Amount",text:"The maximum buy in amount is"},minAmount:{header:"Minimum Amount",text:"The minimum buy in amount is"},required:{text:"Please enter a valid amount"},insufficientFunds:{text:"You have insufficient funds in your account",deposit:"Please Deposit more funds to buy in",cta:{label:"Deposit Now"}}}},swClaim:{endsIn:"Ends in",today:"Today",days_singular:"{{count}} day",days_plural:"{{count}} days",deposit:{cta:{label:"Deposit Now"}},loadingText:"Please wait while your request is being processed",success:{header:"Success!",text:"You have successfully claimed the bonus"},errors:{general:"Something went wrong, please try again",missedBonus:"
We are sorry but all the bonuses have been claimed.
Please try again next time.
"}},swOptIn:{endsIn:"Ends in",today:"Today",days_singular:"{{count}} day",days_plural:"{{count}} days",loadingText:"Please wait while your request is being processed",success:{header:"Success!",text:"You have successfully opted into the bonus"},errors:{general:"Something went wrong, please try again"}},swOptedIn:{depositText:"You are now opted into the bonus! Deposit now to get your bonus",playText:"You are now opted into the bonus! Play now to get your bonus"},swWagering:{onlyQueuedInfo:"Please launch a game to accept your bonus",activeBonus:"Active Bonus",queuedBonus:"Queued Bonus",progressLabel:"Complete",endsIn:"Promotion ends in",today:"Today",days_singular:"{{count}} day",days_plural:"{{count}} days",requirements:"Wagering Requirements",wagered:"Wagered",remaining:"Remaining",pre_wager:{amount:"Buy In Amount",balance:"Bonus Balance"},free_spins:{spinsGiven:"Free Spins Given",spinsLeft:"Free Spins Remaining",balance:"Bonus Balance"},golden_chips:{chipsCount:"Golden Chips Given",chipsLeft:"Golden Chips Remaining",balance:"Bonus Balance"},loadingText:"Please wait while your request is being processed",optOut:{success:"The bonus has been cancelled successfully",error:"Cancellation of the bonus has failed. Please contact customer services or try again"},modalInfo:{info:{title:"Information",text:"
Wagering Requirements are the total amount of stakes required in order to convert your bonus money into cash
Wagered is the amount of stakes placed so far
Remaining is the amount of stakes remaining to complete the wagering requirement
Buy in amount is the initial amount of funds used to subscribe into the bonus
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
Free Spins Given is the number of free spins given with the bonus
Free Spins Remaining is the number of free spins left to spend
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
Golden Chips Given is the number of chips given with the bonus
Golden Chips Remaining is the number of chips left to spend
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
"}},modalCancel:{PRE_WAGER:{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",text:"
{{buyInBonusAmount}} of bonus funds will be lost. You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} more to redeem the bonus and claim your winnings.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"},FREE_SPINS:{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",text:"
{{freeSpinsBonusAmount}} of bonus funds & {{freeSpinsLeft}} free spins will be lost. You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} and any remaining free spins to redeem the bonus and claim your winnings.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"},GOLDEN_CHIPS:{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",text:"
{{goldenChipsBonusAmount}} of bonus funds (including the value of your remaining Golden Chips) will be lost. You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} and any remaining Golden Chips to redeem the bonus and claim your winnings.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"}}},swInProgress:{cancelBonus:"Cancel Bonus",onlyQueuedInfo:"Please launch a game to accept your bonus",activeBonus:"Active Bonus",queuedBonus:"Queued Bonus",text:"Your bonus is ready waiting for you. You only need to wager {{remainingToWager}} more to activate it.",optOut:{success:"The bonus has been cancelled successfully",error:"Cancellation of the bonus has failed. Please contact customer services or try again"},modalCancel:{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",text:"
You only need to wager {{remainingToWager}} more to redeem the bonus.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"}}},s.a,{promotions:{bonus:{global:{"bonus-amount-label":"Bonus Amount","bonus-claimed":"You have successfully claimed the bonus.","bonus-play":"You are now opted into the bonus! Play now to get your bonus.","bonus-deposit":"You are now opted into the bonus! Deposit now to get your bonus.","bonus-first-deposit-range":"Simply deposit between {{minAmount}} and {{maxAmount}}.","bonus-first-deposit":"Simply deposit {{minAmount}}.","bonus-wagering-condition":"Your bonus is ready waiting for you. You only need to wager {{remainingToWager}} more to activate it.","subscriptions-label":"Subscriptions","subscriptions-value":"Only {{count}} remaining","subscriptions-sold-out":"Sold out","cash-in-description":"Your buy-in balance can be withdrawn by cashing in your bonus.","only-queued-info":"Please launch a game to accept your bonus",buttons:{yes:"Yes",no:"No"},cta:{cancel:{label:"Cancel bonus"},"cash-in":{label:"Cash in"},"buy-in":{label:"Buy in"},"opt-in":{label:"Opt in"},claim:{label:"Claim"},claimed:{label:"Claimed"},deposit:{label:"Deposit Now"},"sold-out":{label:"Sold Out"}},loading:{title:"Please wait while your request is being processed"},expiration:{"prefix-expires":"Expires in ","prefix-ends":"Ends in ","days-singular":"{{count}} day","days-plural":"{{count}} days","hours-singular":"{{count}} hour","hours-plural":"{{count}} hours","minutes-singular":"{{count}} minute","minutes-plural":"{{count}} minutes"},"modal-info":{info:{title:"Information",message:"
Wagering Requirements are the total amount of stakes required in order to convert your bonus money into cash
Wagered is the amount of stakes placed so far
Remaining is the amount of stakes remaining to complete the wagering requirement
Remaining is the amount of stakes remaining to complete the wagering requirement
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
Buy in amount is the initial amount of funds used to subscribe into the bonus
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
Free Spins Given is the number of free spins given with the bonus
Free Spins Remaining is the number of free spins left to spend
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
Golden Chips Given is the number of chips given with the bonus
Golden Chips Remaining is the number of chips left to spend
Bonus Balance is the amount of bonus funds available
"}},"modal-cancel":{"pre-wager":{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",message:"
{{bonusAmount}} of bonus funds will be lost. You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} more to redeem the bonus and claim your winnings.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"},"free-spins":{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",message:"
{{bonusAmount}} of bonus funds & {{rewardLeft}} free spins will be lost. You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} and any remaining free spins to redeem the bonus and claim your winnings.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"},"golden-chips":{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",message:"
{{bonusAmount}} of bonus funds (including the value of your remaining Golden Chips) will be lost. You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} and any remaining Golden Chips to redeem the bonus and claim your winnings.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"},"after-wager":{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",message:"
You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} more to redeem the bonus.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"},"committed-amount":{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",message:"
{{committedAmount}} will be returned to your account and {{bonusAmount}} of bonus funds will be lost. You only need to wager {{remainingToWagerAmount}} more to redeem the bonus and claim your winnings.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"},"no-committed-amount":{title:"You are about to cancel the bonus",message:"
The remaining bonus funds and pending winnings will be lost.
Are you sure you want to cancel this bonus?
"}},"buy-in":{"buy-in-with":"Buy In With","get-bonus":"Get a Bonus of",errors:{"max-amount":{title:"Maximum Amount",message:"The maximum buy in amount is {{amount}}"},"min-amount":{title:"Minimum Amount",message:"The minimum buy in amount is {{amount}}"},required:{title:"Please enter a valid amount"},"insufficient-funds":{title:"You have insufficient funds in your account",message:"Please deposit more funds to buy in"}}},"opt-in":{error:{title:"Something went wrong, please try again"},success:{title:"Success!",message:"You have successfully opted into the bonus"},missed:{title:"We are sorry but all the bonuses have been claimed. Please try again next time."},"already-subscribed":{title:"You can only subscribe to the desired bonus once"}},"opt-out":{error:{title:"Something went wrong, please try again"},success:{title:"The bonus has been cancelled successfully"}},sashes:{"buy-in":"Buy In","bought-in":"Bought In","opt-in":"Opt In","opted-in":"Opted In","free-spins":"Free/Bonus Spins","free-bet":"Free Bet",active:"Active",claim:"Claim Now",claimed:"Claimed",deposit:"Deposit",deposited:"Deposited",wagering:"Wagering","in-progress":"In Progress"},wagering:{"active-bonus":"Active Bonus","queued-bonus":"Queued Bonus","active-offer":"Active Offer","queued-offer":"Queued Offer",progress:"Complete",staked:"Staked",requirements:"Wagering Requirements","staking-requirements":"Staking Requirements",wagered:"Wagered",remaining:"Remaining",global:{balance:"Bonus Balance"},"pre-wager":{amount:"Buy In Amount",balance:"Bonus Balance"},"free-spins":{"spins-given":"Free Spins Given","spins-left":"Free Spins Remaining",balance:"Bonus Balance"},"golden-chips":{"chips-count":"Golden Chips Given","chips-left":"Golden Chips Remaining",balance:"Bonus Balance"}}}}}},{"side-nav":{take_me_to:"Take me to"},casinoBonuses:{title:"Total Bonus Balance"},bonusBreakdown:{spins_singular:"{{count}} Spin",spins_plural:"{{count}} Spins",chips_singular:"{{count}} x {{value}} Chip",chips_plural:"{{count}} x {{value}} Chips"},logout:{buttonText:"Logout"},header:{"login-button":"Login","registration-button":"Join","deposit-button":"Deposit",action:{login:"Login",deposit:"Deposit",join:"Join"},searchClearButton:"Clear",search:{inputPlaceholder:"Search for games...",noResults:"No results for",tryOtherGames:"Try our most popular games",loading:"Searching...",gamesHeader:"Games"},sideNav:{settings:"Settings",support:"Support"}},gameDetailOverlay:{addToFavourites:"Add to favourites",playNow:"Play Now",removeFromFavourites:"Remove from favourites",termsAndConditions:"Terms and conditions"},promotionDetailOverlay:{suggestedGames:"Suggested Games",termsAndConditions:"Terms and conditions"},pages:{recentlyPlayed:{title:"Recently Played",recommended:"Our players also love...",logInMessage:"You need to log in to see your recently played games.",noGames1:"You don't have any recently played games.",noGames2:"Why not try one of our games below."},favourites:{title:"Favourites",recommended:"Our players also love...",logInMessage:"You need to login to save a game to your favourites.",noGames1:"You don't have any favourite games.",noGames2:"Why not try some of our games below."},notFound:{title:"404",subtitle:"You've gone adrift",messageSubject:"The page you requested is no longer available, or cannot be found.",messageBodyPrefix:"Please use the menu above to browse our website, or",messageBodyLinkLabel:"contact us",messageBodyPostfix:"if you feel you have reached this page in error."}},games:{playButton:{label:"Play"},playNowButton:{label:"Play now"},launcher:{deposit:"Deposit"},popupBlocker:{header:"Popup detected",text:"You are using a popup blocker. Please disable it or start the game by click on the play button.",cta:{label:"Play Now"}},game_singular:"{{count}} Game",game_plural:"{{count}} Games",games:"Games",game:"Game",viewAll:"View All",sashes:{new:"New",promo:"Promo",exclusive:"Exclusive",other:"Other",english:"English"}},rules:{playNow:"Play Now"},liveDealer:{game:{takeASeat:"Take a Seat",player_singular:"{{count}} Player",player_plural:"{{count}} Players",live:"Live",notOpenText:"Table will open in:",timerHours:"h",timerMinutes:"m",timerSeconds:"s"}},download:{pageTitle:"Download William Hill Casino in just 3 simple steps!",buttonTitle:"Download Now",step1:{title:"Download and Install",text1:"After clicking the download button you should see either a popup or an option to Download at the bottom of the page.",text2:"You will then see a pop-up window asking you to Run or Cancel. Click Run."},step2:{title:"Create your account",text1:"Click ‘Continue’ to begin the installation of the Casino client.",text2:"Once the Casino has been downloaded, open a Real Money Account. You can find the shortcut icon on your desktop or in your window's menu."},step3:{title:"Start playing",text1:"Sign up is quick, easy and gives you access to the best benefits!",text2:"3 reasons to download today:",item1:"Up to £300 Welcome Bonus",item2:"350+ Casino Games",item3:"24/7 Support"},info:"Your download should begin automatically. If not,",link:"click here",requirements:{title:"System requirements:",item1:"Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8",item2:"Minimum 512 MB RAM",item3:"Screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels with a minimum of 256 colours",item4:"The application can be uninstalled completely cleanly using the normal remove programs options in Windows. No functions of the software will remain after uninstalling"}},TWIX:{LPLabel:"Login Preference",UHA:{LP:{1:"Auto-Login",2:"Remember Username",3:"PIN",4:"Use Fingerprint (TouchID)",5:"Use Face ID",6:"Don't Save My Details"}},forgetMe:"Forget Me"}})}}]);能用的梯子2025
New customers only. Opt in required. 1 x per customer. Min buy in with £10. Casino tab only. Max £300 bonus. 40x wagering requirement. Max redeemable amount £2,000. Bonus expires 7 days from issue. Eligibility rules, game, location, payment method and currency restrictions, stake contributions and terms and conditions apply.
Promotion runs daily from 27.05.2025 to 31.08.2025. Individual promotion terms apply. UK customers only. Eligibility rules, location and currency restrictions and terms and conditions apply.
New customers only. Opt in required. 1 x per customer. Min buy in with £10. Casino tab only. Max £300 bonus. 40x wagering requirement. Max redeemable amount £2,000. Bonus expires 7 days from issue. Eligibility rules, game, location, payment method and currency restrictions, stake contributions and terms and conditions apply.
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Whether it’s our exciting range of quality games, useful bonuses, or our trusted reputation - start discovering what makes William Hill one of the top casino sites today.
Slots, casino tables and card games… we have it all at William Hill Casino
To take a look at our range of online casino games, simply search by category.
This makes it easy if you know which William Hill games you like to play. You can choose from slots, new releases or even our most popular releases.
You’ll notice other familiar titles, like several online blackjack games variations and online roulette options.
And then there are the games that spell out casino like none other – slots.
The slot games are categorised, too, so you can easily find video slots, as well as classic single-line titles.
There are more than a hundred video slot games to choose from, including: